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Music Applause if you saw last year's series chances are you caught our venison processing segment this year we're going to show you how to field-dress your deer and quarter it in the field with help from DNR staff check it out well good morning from the field, and you know as a deer hunter obviously your ultimate goal in going deer hunting most of the time anyways is to get a deer down but once you get that deer on the ground the responsibility of a hunter and to make sure that you have the absolute finest venison that you can get starts in the field, and it starts with gutting the animal so in the field what you need is a fairly short knife you don't really want a big long knife, although I'm going to show you one exception to that but a nice little very sharp knife sharp this is important the dull your knife the more likely it is that you're going to hurt yourself with it so a nice sharp short little knife and I used to always laugh at guys you know the manly thing and hunting is you didn't need gut gloves you didn't need to stay clean, but you know what over the years I started using gut gloves and at the end of the process they also have another perfect function which I'll show you when we're done so if you want to keep your clothes nice and clean these gut gloves are cheap you can buy them in any sporting goods store fifty cents to a dollar up here, so I recommend you get some, so we're going to tear into it here and show you the whole process these gloves come basically with two pairs of gloves in a pack obviously the orange ones are to keep your sleeves clean as you put your hands inside the body cavity and then a tighter pair keep things nice and tight so that you can feel everything inside you don't want to Nick yourself with a knife so these help you feel everything that you're doing as you're doing the process so the first thing we're going to do is just get this deer on her back so that we can get to the rear end Music what I like to do is kind of straddle the animal like this so that you can get full exposure to everything you're going to cut around the vents this is a dull and of course you can see that I'm cutting around both openings because we're going to end up pulling all of this out in one piece keep your feet out of the way keep your hands out of the way Music you want to work your knife inside this cavity as far as you can all of this sits inside a hole basically that is made of bone so all the vents are kind of sitting inside that you want to hollow out as much of that opening as you possibly can, so it all comes out in one nice big piece, so Music just take your time work your way around it there's no hurry as a younger man I always used to think it was neat to get a deer gutted out as quickly as you can the older I got, the more I realized that's foolish just take your time you don't want to poke a hole through the bladder or the quarter self because you're going to get contaminants all over your meat so just take your...
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